Our preschool has adopted The Creative Curriculum For Toddlers and Preschoolers. It is a philosophy rather than pre-programmed daily guided lesson plans. This program is designed to promote cognitive, physical and social-emotional skills in each child at their own developmental stage. We design the center-based learning environment to include: art, dramatic play, language/reading, science, fine motor, gross motor, writing activities, mathematic centers and life skill experiences. Each month we introduce 2 to 4 themes of exploration and change out our centers so that the children can immerse themselves in new topics for learning. The preschool children also participate in field trip experiences and we have guests who come to our school for special programs. We also offer group music experiences along with Chapel throughout the month during the school day at no extra charge.
Preschool Office Hours
Late August to Early May
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Preschool Cell: 260-443-4660